Since I have been on disability, I have decided to go through every season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That would be seven seasons.
Seven seasons of 22 episodes of Buffy.
Buffy growing up
Buffy in high school
Buffy in love
Buffy in hiding
Buffy in college
Buffy in lust
Buffy with a sister
Buffy dead
Buffy as a robot
I loved this show. I used to have Buffy night when the season played on WB. Then, of course, Angel came a bit later so it was a Buffy/Angel night. I planned my homework around this.
I have to admit, the writing is great--even watching it a second time. It still makes me laugh. BUT, now that I am older, I realize that Buffy is pretty whiny. I am glad that she grew because the first four seasons were difficult to watch as I kept saying, "Oh come on! Grow up!" But, I've noticed this about many shows that take place in high school.
So, if I could be Buffy, or if it was still on, what would I change? I would have Buffy be a 30 year old divorced mom with a daughter. Willow and a girlfriend live with Buffy so she can slay at night and someone can be home watching the kids. Angel still comes by and hangs, but now the difference in their age is obvious and she feels kinds like she is robbing the cradle.
As well, she is now a bookstore owner, next to the magic shop so she can do research (or tell others to do research) while she wonders how she should organize the books she is selling. She doesn't make a lot of money, but it is enough to make ends meet with Willow and her girlfriend paying rent. Willow is a university professor and her girlfriend is a pediatrician. Dawn is in college, getting a master's degree in history, and comes home less and less.
Xander and Anya have married and have three kids (twin boys and a daughter) that have demon powers. Xander now owns a Construction Company and Anya now stays home with the kids. She still owns the magic shop, but she is also a silent partner (as is Giles). The shop is doing amazing still so they are making good money.
Funny enough, this slice of real life in the future for Buffy doesn't seem very funny--but it is how the characters interact and tell their story that has always made it interesting--not the demons and vampires oddly enough. And yes, there is still a lot of slaying. Soon, Buffy will begin training a new slayer and she will become the watcher.
Fun in the Workplace?
14 years ago