Tuesday, August 4, 2009

So If I Want to Publish, I Have to What?

I'm working on a novel.

Hmm, sometimes I wonder who isn't. But I really am. Every Sunday, I dedicate about 2-3 hours to writing. I usually get something like 5 pages done--sometimes 10 if there is a lot of dialogue.

I'm starting to feel that isn't enough. I am beginning to think of it all the time. I even dream about it. Sometimes I am the main character, sometimes a fly on the wall, sometimes the vampire.

Here is what I wonder: how many novels do you have to write before you are taken seriously on one? Or maybe before you actually start writing a good novel?

If this one will take me over a year to write, then how long will the next one take me? And will that one be good enough to publish?

I used to think that it was the writing that mattered. Now, I realize I have a story to tell and I want to tell it to the reader. I'm excited and a bit pukey about the story. Like I'm so crazed to tell it, I might actually puke first.

Don't worry, I won't.

I've also been considering making a graphic novel out of the story. It lends itself well to this I think. But I want the artist to draw her sexy and a bit hard. Not that that should be a problem.

I've been talking to a friend about publishing as she is further along than I am. Apparently, while I was joking about everyone having a book to publish, editors and agents are not. The hoops are plenty and detailed. I imagine it is a lot like trying to find a job.

Best advice: find an agent first.
Second best advice: finish your book.


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