Friday, May 7, 2010

I Gave Notice--Does This Make Me Crazy?

So I've done it; I put my resignation in at work. I am both scared and excited to start this new chapter of my life. Let me start by saying that I was unhappy in my career choice, not the work place itself. It just didn't fit who I am and what I want from life. So, I finally took a deep breath and made the jump.

This is me in mid-air right now. My resignation isn't up yet--I gave them a month and a half to find a replacement--and I haven't started my consulting business yet. Yet.

So I am feeling both crazy and delirious, which I guess could be interpreted as the same. I know the economy still isn't that great. I know that while we may be starting to recover, that doesn't mean I will find enough work or be successful. I also know most people would find me just shy of crazy for attempting this now.

I don't care. I've read the books on being true to yourself. And as hokey as some of them may be, there is a truth to them that I cannot deny: for some people, you have to love what you are doing or you will always feel frustrated and less confident. I am one of those people.

I have been practicing yoga for over eleven years and at one time, I practiced yoga in all aspects of my life. And then my life fell apart and I lost my way. I got divorced, moved back to San Diego, and continued that spiral down.

Then I met someone and moved to Salt Lake. It wasn't the move and it wasn't the person that changed me, but the realization that I knew I wanted more from my life. I got a full-time job I wasn't completely happy with and tried to find a balance again.

It didn't work.

In fact, until I gave notice, I was depressed. As soon as I took that leap--BOOM--I could suddenly see clearly. I feel happier and more in control of my life--and I don't have a full time job any longer. I have a mortgage, I have mouths to feed...okay, maybe I am crazy.

Well, if I am--so what? I'm so excited to make the change and do what I love. I love helping people reach their fullest potential. Helping others helps me reach my fullest potential. It's like learning to move again after major surgery. You remember the motions, you know the connections, but it hurts. And while it hurts and sometimes even wipes you out, you know that it gets easier with each step, with each reach, with each turn. Helping others through yoga, creative writing, or even professional writing takes a lot out of you--but the more I take that step, the more I reach out, the more alive I feel.

I am not recommending this choice for anyone else--I'm only sharing my surprise at the peace and optimism I feel since I made my decision. Anyone know what I am talking about?

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