I received this email the other day from Tristan Shepherd and wanted to pass it along to anyone in the Salt Lake Area interested in Pecha Kucha and relief efforts for Japan:
Another PechaKucha night is upon us! This time it's during the day and we'll be taking donations to benefit Architecture for Humanity's relief efforts in Japan! Donations can be made online http://global-day.pecha-kucha.org/, and we'll be taking cash donations and checks at the door! Global PechaKucha Day - Inspire Japan will be held at Brewvies: http://www.brewvies.com/ April 16th. Presentations will kick-off around 2:30. Get there early and stay after for food and drinks! A huge thanks to Brewvies for supporting this with the use of one of their theaters. This allows us to make the event FREE thereby maximizing our donations to Architecture for Humanity for Japan! While the event is free, due to the theater capacity, we recommend that you register for tickets. That can be done here: http://pechakucha-slc.eventbrite.com/ Visit the main Global PechaKucha Day website to hear about this great event and everything PechaKucha is trying to accomplish: http://global-day.pecha-kucha.org/ More information will be coming soon, including a list of presenters, but I wanted to get this on your radar due to the short notice. We are currently seeking presenters for this event! If you, or anyone you know would be interested, please contact me ASAP!!!You can contact Tristan at pknslc@gmail.com